Electrolytes PLUS

From $34.00


USEF & FEI Compliant

Himalayan Salt produces significant positive effects on organs, respiration, circulation, connective tissue, nervous system functions, and rapid re-hydration. It contains 82 minerals and trace elements essential to the body’s health and well-being. This full-spectrum electrolyte is everything your horse will need to stay hydrated and maintain its health.


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Dosing Instructions: As a top dress to the feed, administer 1 level scoop per day or thoroughly mix 1 scoop with water.

100% Himalayan Salt: Hydrogen, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chloride, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Selenium, Bromine, Rubidium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Indium, Tin, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodine, Barium, Lanthan, Cerium, Praseodynium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Promethium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Wolfram, Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Thallium, Bismuth, Polonium, Astat, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium, Neptunium.

Due to the nature of natural ingredients, physical attributes may differ from lot to lot (color, taste, etc.)

Additional information

Serving Size

60 Servings, 120 Servings, 240 Servings, 400 Servings